Friday, September 25, 2015

Favorite picture

In the picture with the girl and the paint bouncing in the air off the speaker, one rule of photography is balance i think. The picture (besides the paint bottle cap) is symmetrical and balanced really nicely this is why it is my favorite. Also i think the picture itself is a awesome picture.

Filling the Frame

I choose the picture for filling the frame because i love all the people and the background and the amount of stuff in the photo. Theres the people themselves and then the thing in the center between all of them.

Action and Emotion

The action in this photograph is the bubbles flying in the air and falling. I get the emotion of surprise and excitement form the girls and from the bubbles i get action and speed.

The Story

I choose this picture for the best story because i can tell just by looking at the picture that they get along really well with this teacher. I get a story of good times and laughter with this photo. I can tell they joke a lot and have a lot of fun in that class and all get along. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

least unethical

I think this photoshop is the least unethical because they made no major changes to the photograph they didn't manipulate it to seem like something else. All they did was photoshop the pole that was sticking out of the back of her head. This is a great picture that was captured in the moment so the photographer didn't have time to follow the 6 rules of photography. 

Most unethical

This photoshop is the most unethical in my opinion because whoever photoshoped this must be the biggest piece of trash, it is so messed up to condemning  the army. in this picture they didn't just do a sleight change they made the soldier who had his hand out trying to calm the people look like he is holding his gun aiming at the civilians. They also added a tank in the back to make it look even worse.

Ethics in the age of digital manipulation

Summary: Today there are so many photoshops and some are very important and other not so much. Some photoshops need to be done or should be , while others such as the picture where they crop out the women with men are absolutely unacceptable. Some photographers even loose their jobs for photoshopping pictures.

Opinion: I believe that certain photo shopping is not only okay but can be needed because it can enhance a photo and make it better but at the same time it can be totally unacceptable. For example When the two women were photoshoped out of the picture of the political leaders in Iran , that was horrible. So what I'm getting at is i think it can be both good and bad.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 2

   Willam Smith was born in Wichita Kansas in December 1918. He went to Wichita North High school and graduated in 1936. Soon after he took a job for two local newspapers. Later he eventually moved to new york to work for Newsweek. He was fired because he refused to use a medium format camera then he started working for life magazine in 1939. While Working for life he was in the front lines of the pacific war photographing the island hopping offense against japan. He photographed a lot of prisoners of war and showed intensity of the war. He was hit by motor fire and after recovering he continued  working with life magazine. In the 1950s he went to England to photograph general election and in 1965 he began to photograph he took photographers and recording jazz musicians playing a Manhattan loft. Smith was in japan photographing the effects on the minamata disease and he was attacked by chisso company employees and lost vision in one eye and had to stop working for a year. He died in 1978 october 15 form a stroke, and was cremated and buried in crum elbow rural cemetery.

Post shoot reflection on another student

two things i liked form this students pictures are how he followed the 6 rules you taught us pretty well and i liked his picture of the flower i think it was beautiful and exotic picture.

One thing i think he could improve is his backgrounds in his pictures because they kinda busy and they distract from the main picture a little.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

post shoot reflection

1. Some challenges I faced on this assignment are finding the right picture that I want while still trying to follow the rules. I also had some trouble managing my time and I felt really rushed so I didn't really do the highest quality of pictures.

2. When i take pictures I find myself always thinking about the focus and the background of the main target, for example if i was the take a picture of a flower the things running through my head are focusing on the flower itself and having either a clear blue background or have the other flowers in the background.

3. One thing i would definitely do different is use the rule of thirds more because at least two of my pictures main focus are smack in the middle on the picture and it looks kinda bad. I would also use balance a little better.

4. If I'm being honest i don't think i would do anything the same the pictures i took were nothing special and i know i can do better. I don't like the lack of creativity i had or the pictures themselves.

5. I achieved rule of thirds in the happy picture by putting the main subject slightly to the right. I also had lines on my metal picture in the background with the wall of bricks.

6. No i didn't really like these prompts i felt like they were boring and i didn't really have any great ideas on what to shoot. I want some new different prompts so i can try to do a better job. The prompts   we're hard to find at the school in my opinion.

square (prompt shoot)

Lunch detention is square!
No composition rules

Bowie (Prompt shoot)

No composition rules

merging (prompt shoot)

I cut the back of the drummer on the left

metal (prompt shoot)

Lines in the background with the bricks

Happy (prompt shoot)

Schools out!
Rule of thirds

Friday, September 11, 2015

merging (updated)

This is merging because in the right side of the picture this guys head is getting cut off and all you can see is his body.

framing (updated)

 This is framing because their is a sharp ridged hole in the wall then inside is a fire fighter climbing a later, this framing has a great effect because it shows the destruction there was and then it focuses on the firefighter.

Balance (updated)

This is balance because the fire fighters and the flag pole and the debris in the background all make shapes and balance each other and gives the picture nice detail.

Rule of thirds (updated)

This is rule of thirds because the main focus (the firefighter crying) is on centered to the left. The effect is that you can see all the other fire fighters in the back and the debris.

simplicity (Updated)

This is simplicity because the main focus is the man falling and the background is just straight lines which lets you focus on the man which is the effect of having a simple background.

lines (updated)

This is lines because there is a repetition of lines from the building and i think it looks really nice because the huge gash in the building breaks apart the lines and shows how it is no longer a perfect stable building.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Controlling Flash

10. That symbol means "disabled flash" you would use this if you want a more dramatic picture by using natural light or if you just don't want a flash affect.

The Half Press

9. It t used to get the camera ready for the picture you're about to take so it can focus and the shutters can be ready. (Very useful for beginners)

Camera Modes

6. Auto mode is just point and shoot not options at all pretty much camera flash and exposure. While program mode is still point and shoot but you can control the flash and a couple other things.

7. Th portrait mode is used when taking a picture of something and you want to blur the background on only focus on the thing.

8. Sports mode is used to "freeze motion" the camera will take action shots more clearly.

Friday, September 4, 2015

"The Camera"

1. The "camera obscura" effect is latin for dark room, it is when a hole lets light in to a dark room and it reflects whats on the outside upside down.

2. in the 17th century lenses and optics were invented by Isaac newton and helped man to get closer to the modern camera.

3. The parts of the first modern camera that were invited by Niepce were the film, dark box, and glass lens.

4. Modern cameras and Niepce camera both have film, glass lenses and a dark box, but more advanced.

5. Modern cameras let light pass through the lens into the camera and expose the film which is pretty similar to older cameras.

Great photographers Manuel Alvarez

Great photographers Walker Evans

Great Photographers Ansel Adams

Other first day photos

First day pictures part two with paragraph

I chose this picture because i though it was pretty interesting and funny. Magnus looks very wise and miserable in the photo and it gives the picture a story. He is supposed to be locked up in jail and the funny thing is that this was the case surrounding a vending machine but i manipulated it to look like a jail cell bars. One thing i could have improved is the background to look less natural with the tree.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First day photo part one with paragraph

I chose this picture because i like how i focused the camera on the pollen stems, our cameras auto focus was broken so i had to play around with the focus dial.  I also really like this picture because i think this is a really beautiful flower and had nice colors and texture. I picked this photo because it looked like a really high quality and good.

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