Thursday, September 17, 2015

post shoot reflection

1. Some challenges I faced on this assignment are finding the right picture that I want while still trying to follow the rules. I also had some trouble managing my time and I felt really rushed so I didn't really do the highest quality of pictures.

2. When i take pictures I find myself always thinking about the focus and the background of the main target, for example if i was the take a picture of a flower the things running through my head are focusing on the flower itself and having either a clear blue background or have the other flowers in the background.

3. One thing i would definitely do different is use the rule of thirds more because at least two of my pictures main focus are smack in the middle on the picture and it looks kinda bad. I would also use balance a little better.

4. If I'm being honest i don't think i would do anything the same the pictures i took were nothing special and i know i can do better. I don't like the lack of creativity i had or the pictures themselves.

5. I achieved rule of thirds in the happy picture by putting the main subject slightly to the right. I also had lines on my metal picture in the background with the wall of bricks.

6. No i didn't really like these prompts i felt like they were boring and i didn't really have any great ideas on what to shoot. I want some new different prompts so i can try to do a better job. The prompts   we're hard to find at the school in my opinion.

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