Friday, March 11, 2016


  1. Andre Waterkeyn
  2. 1956-1958
  3. Bruxelles, Belgium
  4.  You can visit
  5.  No
  6. This structure was built for the Brussels World Fair 
  7.  I chose this because it is very unique and has a on of a kind feel to it and there's is probably no building on the planet like it. I also really like the symmetry that is it has and the shiny paint that is on it. Overall just a really cool building.

Image result for Sculptured House, USA
  1.  Charles Deaton
  2. 1963
  3. Jefferson county, Colorado, US
  4.  Private it is a house
  5. No
  6.  The architect wanted a building high so he could connect with nature.
  7. I picked this building because the cool shape that the roof and the balcony make is a really weird and awesome the idea that looks good and works well. I also really like the windows and the base of the structure.
  1. The architects are Szotynscy and Zaleski.
  2.  built in 2004.
  3. Sopot, Poland.
  4.  public building.
  5. does not say
  6. The building was inspired by fairy tales and drawings.
  7. I chose this building because it looks crazy, something out of a fairytale which is what they were going for. Also it looks cool because it is squished looking and  looks just different to the buildings we are used to seeing.
  1. Gaudí 
  2.  1905–10 
  3.  Barcelona Spain
  4.  it is a museum so yes
  5. no
  6.  Pere Milà wife roser gaurdiola was very rich and they built this as a house.
  7. I picked this building because Spain is my favourite place in the world and when i grow up i want to live in Spain. Also it looked massive in the photo so i was very curious about it.

1. Frank Gehry
2. 1997
3. Bilbao, Spain
4. You can visit
5. $89 million dollars
6.  museum of modern art.
7. I picked this building becasue it looked very pretty and drew my attetnion to it. It looks very futuristic and like something ffrom not our time. Also i liked how they built it on the water which as far as looks go was a great choice becuasde it looks really good.

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