Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car raid

Hannah was born on march 1st 1998 in austin Texas. She works at a restaurant called brick oven and has two siblings. Tara is a senior at bowie high school and she plans to attend ACC. She is a very unorganized person who has trouble keeping her priorities right.

Hannah is know by her friends as the messy unorganized person in the group. She does not mind trash and containers being right next to her as she drives. She drivers a Trail blazer which holds a lot of things, including soccer cleats, trash, water bottles, and wrappers. She has no organization or pattern to her car.

She is also a very messy eater as you can tell by the food stains all through out the interior of her car. Eating is a huge part of her life and she seems to have more food in her car then space to sit. Hannah can be described as a "independent women" which she refers too herself as often. When asked why her car was so messy she replied "I am working a job and getting through school cleaning my car is the last of my worries.

"people who clean their cars are weird and car too much about and inanimate object" Hannah seems to show very little feeling for her car outside of its practical use of getting her around.

Her can look as if a blizzard of trash and food swept though leaving a mess. The car has a ton of room in the interior but because of all the cloths and trash seems to be suffocated and small.

The car has soccer ball stickers all over the dash board and smells of Febreeze and other air fresheners that are trying to mask the smell of trash. The floor of the car contains lots of shoes and cloths and resembles the floor of a mess room in a house.

The trunk of the car has a bag of soccer balls and a air pump. The overall feeling you get from the car is nasty and unorganized.

Despite the unorganized mess in Hannah's car her grades and schoolwork do not reflect the same. She Average grades and a very organized school life. "Being organized in school is an essential, but i just don't care that much about my car"

Hannah is buying a new car in August and has promised to not let it get as bad as her current car. Only time will tell the outcome of her new car.

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