Friday, October 9, 2015

Academic Shoot reflection and critique

1. Some challenges i faced were finding subjects to actually capture, there was a pep rally and almost all the classes were empty and to make things worse every class i would walk up to another student would be just leaving so i keep getting beat to find classes. I got creative and started looking in the halls for students working and that how i got my photos.

2. If i could redo this assignment i would defiantly try to involve some more rules like simplicity and lines because i had a couple pictures that would have been a lot better if i used rule of thirds, i didn't post them.

3. I definitely think of photo composition a lot more then then first week of school. I always try my best to make sure i don't have a merger photograph and make sure i have nice view point. For example these girls were sitting down and i stood on a chair to get a top view and it looked really nice even though i didn't post it i really liked it.

4. I would defiantly go to the same places i did, which was the hall ways. I found a lot of people sitting by themselves and working hard. It added to the affect of hard school work because there was no one around with so it was just one person and added dramatic affect.

5. I think the easiest rule to achieve is rule of thirds because its not hard to move your camera angle to position them on the corners of the picture.

6. For me i think its very hard to have a simple background because in a classroom there is so much join on its hard to find a empty simple background to your subject, so simplicity is the hardest for me.

7. I think i understand all the rules pretty well.

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