Thursday, October 29, 2015


1. This is a really cool and interesting article to me because the not just the photos are great but the photographer is a really cool guy. All the answers he had to the questions were really intelligent and he seemed to have a good understanding of life. As weird as it may seem i could tell he is a really nice, cool guy. It was really interesting just how much time he put into his photos. You can really tell they mean a lot to him otherwise he wouldn't take so much time to perfect them.


3. It's a dead swan in water with a mountain in the background, i love this picture because it looks beautiful and appealing while at the same time nasty , dirty and is a decaying body.

4. It follows rules of third because the swan is slightly to the bottom right. It could be simplicity in the background because its all clear except of the mountain.

5. He docent use a telephoto lens because he wants to add as much sky and landscape in the background to add to the beauty. Getting closer to the animal is better if you want to capture its personality he says.

6. He wants to show the animals in their simple state of being before they cease to exist. He thinks the are incredibly interesting and beautiful animals but they won't be here forever.

7.To show people the beauty of these animals so they will stop being poached and sold.

8. "my images are unseeingly idyllic and romantic, a kind of enchanted Africa. they're  my elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically vanishing."

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