Monday, November 30, 2015

Love and Loss

1. My emotions changed dramatically from happy and joyful to sad and depressed because of the sudden change in the mode of the pictures and the actual pictures themselves.

2. What he meant by it was that these photos are theme literally but the photos don't define their character and there life and there thoughts. They pictures are them, but not of there thoughts and emotions and who they are.

3. I would absolutely not be able to shoot if my wife had cancer i would just be torn apart and I'm very impressed that he was strong enough to take pictures of her while she was like that.

4.I would say Dear Angelo i am so sorry for your loss and for everything you have been though. I would like to just say its amazing that even with what you and her were going thorough u stuck with your idea and contained to take pictures and made a beautiful thing with them. I wish nothing but the best for you.

American Soldier

A. The most powerful picture is the last where Ian is hugging his girlfriend after returning home. This picture is very powerful and emotional because you can really sense the love and happiness they are feeling when they reunited after returning from war.

B.    Set 1-at home   #1-#3
        Set 2-Basic training #4-13
        Set 3-in Iraq   #14-#27
        #28 he is returning home in denver

C. Set 2 is the most powerful because you can see all the change that Ian is going through and how intense and scary the training is. This set of images is really the base of the whole project because you can see exactly what he had to go through just to be able to go fight for his country.

D. The images work together to show a story by showing the change and the things Ian is going through. From when he shaves his head to when he is just learning to hold and riffle and to when he is in all out march. You can see how it changes him and makes him a different person.

E. Most of the verbs are present tense as if he's doing it now, like a story.

F. The captions give background knowledge and help you understand the pictures better.

G.Ian was a high school graduate who gave up baseball and seeing his family to join the army. He said his goodbyes and arrived at camp. He went through basic training and almost got denied because of a bum elbow. He got the chance to come home for a weekend to see his girlfriend and family. After  fighting in iraq Ian finally comes home a changed different man.

Prompt shoot 2




Monday, November 2, 2015

abandoned theme parks part two

5. I think documenting a abandoned school would not just be fun but really spooky and dark. There is nothing more creepy then old abandoned desk and chalk boards. there are so many options and possibilities with the cafeteria and the gym. Their could be some really nice pictures in the library too. Overall i think one of the best reasons for this place is the amount of picture ideas you have.

6. All you would need is a camera and maybe some lighting stands to light the place up. As for as expenses and travelling goes its probably fairly cheap if you have an old school nearby. Also you would not be breaking any laws if it says Ur allowed to go into it, but if there is a private property sign you might have to risk getting in trouble to get the good shot.

Abandoned theme parks part one

1. The prehistoric forest, Irish hills , Michigan look like a great place to sneak into and take some amazing photos. The park has a huge  man made volcano that would be pretty cool to take pictures of, as well as all the fake dinosaurs at the park. Imagine all the awesome dinos that are just waiting to be photographed there. In addition to the already awesome dinos they would be aged and kinda dirty which would add the effect of oldness to them.

3. Five unusual places to take photographs are cemeteries, malls, forest at night/dusk, abandoned schools, abandoned construction sites, and war zones.