Monday, November 30, 2015

Love and Loss

1. My emotions changed dramatically from happy and joyful to sad and depressed because of the sudden change in the mode of the pictures and the actual pictures themselves.

2. What he meant by it was that these photos are theme literally but the photos don't define their character and there life and there thoughts. They pictures are them, but not of there thoughts and emotions and who they are.

3. I would absolutely not be able to shoot if my wife had cancer i would just be torn apart and I'm very impressed that he was strong enough to take pictures of her while she was like that.

4.I would say Dear Angelo i am so sorry for your loss and for everything you have been though. I would like to just say its amazing that even with what you and her were going thorough u stuck with your idea and contained to take pictures and made a beautiful thing with them. I wish nothing but the best for you.

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