Monday, November 30, 2015

American Soldier

A. The most powerful picture is the last where Ian is hugging his girlfriend after returning home. This picture is very powerful and emotional because you can really sense the love and happiness they are feeling when they reunited after returning from war.

B.    Set 1-at home   #1-#3
        Set 2-Basic training #4-13
        Set 3-in Iraq   #14-#27
        #28 he is returning home in denver

C. Set 2 is the most powerful because you can see all the change that Ian is going through and how intense and scary the training is. This set of images is really the base of the whole project because you can see exactly what he had to go through just to be able to go fight for his country.

D. The images work together to show a story by showing the change and the things Ian is going through. From when he shaves his head to when he is just learning to hold and riffle and to when he is in all out march. You can see how it changes him and makes him a different person.

E. Most of the verbs are present tense as if he's doing it now, like a story.

F. The captions give background knowledge and help you understand the pictures better.

G.Ian was a high school graduate who gave up baseball and seeing his family to join the army. He said his goodbyes and arrived at camp. He went through basic training and almost got denied because of a bum elbow. He got the chance to come home for a weekend to see his girlfriend and family. After  fighting in iraq Ian finally comes home a changed different man.

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