Tuesday, December 8, 2015


1. They changed her face by removing her freckles and moving her eyes far apart and shaded her eyes. they changed her noise and lips, to look more full.

2. They made her body more tan and also gave her smaller thighs as well as a bigger cake. They made her feet really big and made her legs longer.

3. They made a ton of changes the removed her hump back and made her legs slimmer and gave her better cake. They made breast rounder and smoothed her body. They made her hair longer and gave it a different color.

4. I think its okay ONLY if you do very minor things but if you start to edit people to look like perfect , unobtainable beauty then that to acceptable because it makes other people look so bad. People should be able to recognize themselves in the pictures.

5. Yes in some situations it is even more ethically messed up to alter pictures then other specially when it comes to modeling.

6. Changing someones skin tone slightly is okay. But When you  change the length of the legs and arm and the structure of their face thats overboard

7. Fashion photography is more fake and altered pictures. While journalism is more legit and guenien beautiful pictures.

8. Fashion photography affects reality by setting fake impossible standards for women to try to achieve. It also makes people feel "ugly" or less beautiful

9. I think you showed us the videos to show us the difference between Fashion Photography and Journalism Photography and how one is completely ethically wrong and fake.

10. There is no video of men because men don't have these ridiculous standards for beauty and don't have to be fake about the way they look and are accepted for their natural look.

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