Friday, December 4, 2015

Mt favorite cover


I choose this portrait as my favorite because i think its very awesome how the photographer was able to capture this portrait of this mom and son while the background was on fire burring and look like destruction. The cover does a really good job at arousing your curiosity as i was imminently asking myself a ton of question about this photo when i saw it. It is also appealing to the eye and with the fire it really draws your eye to it. The picture to only leads you and hooks you to want to learn about it but it also tells a story a little too. The photo however appears a little out of focus on the women and child. The dark lighting really gives you, the reader a sense of darkness and destruction as this fire engulfs the sounding area. The picture is also kind of framed by the fire and it looks like the women and child is in the center of the fire.

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