Monday, January 25, 2016

yearbook instructions

2.cover image
3.class photos
5.credits page
10.teachers page of fine arts
15."most likely"
16.stories of the year
18.Freshman section
19.Sophmores sections
20.Juniors sections
21.Senoirs sections
23.table of contents
24.sudents body of school

3. Balanced is used throughout the whole book.
4. 5
5. "on the rise"
6.yes at the very back
7.yes a lot of them
8.yes at the back
9.about 1,537 students jersey

Sunday, January 24, 2016

welcome back

1. I chose this photo because I think this photo looks amazing and it is so cool how the photographer froze time and took this spectacular picture. Also this picture is deep and shows that a public area where children once played is now a war zone and is changed by war.

2. This picture was one of my favorites because it is such a beautiful yet destructive picture. it looks like an amazing sunset with every shade of red and orange you can think of. I really enjoy pictures like this and they calm me even if it really is a disturbing image. I love the colors red and orange.

 3. I love this picture because the photographer did a great job using the rule of depth to really make the island look off in the distance and also it has a really nice birds eye view like perspective. The photo is dark foggy and gloomy. It is a really mysterious picture to me.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

magazine cover review

1. young dreams by katrina

2. I really like the title and i really love her picture she took of the kid.

3. Maybe use a different color for the text to contrast better.

4. I picked this one because i loved the actual picture she chose.

5. yes there is a bar code and it its in the bottom left hand corner.

6. Yes i would pick it up because it really catches my eye.

7. It is a portrait for sure i can tell by the way the kid is posing.

1. We hate holidays by Ian

2. I really like how he placed the words to wrap around the man in the picture. Also like his font choice.

3. He could make the font a little bigger so i can read it from far away.

4. I picked it because the picture was humorous and drew me in.

5. Yes and it is placed correctly.

6. I would pick this up because the font is very readable and the picture is good.

7. this is a portrait.

1. Humanity by savanna

2. I really like the title and the colors she uses it appeals to the eyes.

3. She should make the barcode smaller it is really overwhelming and big.

4. I picked it because the red title caught my eye very well

5. Is there is and it is place correctly but it is too big and distracting

6. I don't think i would because it looks sorta boring and simple despite having a titel that catches the eye.

7. this feels like a self portrait to me because she looks like she is limited in her posing because she can't see where she is in the shot.

prompt shoot review

1. I like the pause photo the best because it is very creative and original and also she uses perspective in the photo.

2.The connected is my least favorite because although its a good original idea it kind of is poorly executed and the quality of the picture isn't the best it could be.

3. I love how she is really original and creative with her pictures, i also like how she uses perspective to give her photos a unique look.

4. Although the ideas are great i would like to see the pictures have a little better quality and be better executed.

5.Pause is the best because it really makes you feel like time has stopped and you are in the middle of the flash on the camera going off.

6. I think connected could have been a bit better because despite having a good idea she does not portray it very good through the image.

Prompt shoot 3