Sunday, January 24, 2016

welcome back

1. I chose this photo because I think this photo looks amazing and it is so cool how the photographer froze time and took this spectacular picture. Also this picture is deep and shows that a public area where children once played is now a war zone and is changed by war.

2. This picture was one of my favorites because it is such a beautiful yet destructive picture. it looks like an amazing sunset with every shade of red and orange you can think of. I really enjoy pictures like this and they calm me even if it really is a disturbing image. I love the colors red and orange.

 3. I love this picture because the photographer did a great job using the rule of depth to really make the island look off in the distance and also it has a really nice birds eye view like perspective. The photo is dark foggy and gloomy. It is a really mysterious picture to me.

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