Friday, April 1, 2016

Learning How to Interview part 1

assignment 1:

(1) I could interview the principal of my school, or one of the teacher that i have. Another source i could use is i could interview some of the board members,

1. What is the reason for using school uniforms?
2. What all do you know about the uniforms?
3, Do you agree with the change?
4. If you were a student would you still agree?
5. Did you have uniforms growing up as a kid?
6. Who do you think suggested this idea?
7. How do you think the students will react?
8. Is it fair to make this happen and the students have no say?
9. What would the uniforms look like?
10. When will this be enforced?
11. Will there be punishment for those who refuse?
12. If you were a student how would you feel?
13. Why do you think we need uniforms if so?
14. Are uniforms taking away some of the student rights?
15. Do uniforms take away creativity and personality?
16. How does the district intend on enforcing the new law?
17. Why do you think they decided to give us uniforms?
18. If you could would you change this new rule?
19. Do you think the students will benefit from this new rule?
20. How will the new uniforms look?

assignment 2:

1. What are the most important things in your life?
Myself and my grades
2. What is your strongest and weakest subject?
Im strong at everything
3. Have you always been good at school?
I have always been the smartest every single year in school
4. As student of the month do you feel any pressure or expectations?
I don't feel any pressure because its just another trophy on my shelf and win awards all the time
5. Are you stressed out with school?
No I'm so smart I don't even try that hard.
6. how do you coupe with stress?
I take a lot of bubble bath.
7. Do you have a balanced life outside of school?
Yes between my learning of 7 languages and my playing of 8 instruments.
8. What other activities do you like outside of school?
I rowing and run marathons and shoot ducks.
9. If you could give another student one tip for school what would it be and why?
Don't try to win if you're not smart like me.
10. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
In a huge mansion with all my money and my husband.
11. Do you have a favorite teacher?
No I'm smarter then all of them and they annoy me.
12. What are the pros and if any, the cons of being student of the month?
Pro is that everyone knows how smart i am and the con is i have a lot of haters
13. Is this you first time becoming student of the month?
No i have actually won this award 7 times and its really easy for me.
14. Do you have any pets?
I have a pet iguana who i love
15. How is life at home?
Its great because my daddy buys me anything i want.
16. Do you have any friends that help you get through high school?
17. What is one of the reason you have been so successful?
Because I am so smart and school is easy for me.
18. What message do you have for other high school students?
Just don't try because you will never be as smart as me.
19. Do you plan on going to college if so where ?
Yes i want to go to Harvard and graduate top of my class early.
20. Do you have any regrets about school or your life?

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