Thursday, April 7, 2016

Student of the month

WHO:  Bella Edward's

WHAT: Won her 7th student of the month award.

WHEN: The month of April 2016

WHERE: Bowie high school

HOW: She worked very hard and her natural intelligence.

WHY: Because she wanted to win her 7th award.

    On April 2nd, Bella L. won her 7th Student of the Month award; the most ever won by a student at Bowie high high school.

    Bella isn't known as the hardest working student, but according to her its her natural intellect that keeps her amazing  her peers and teachers. She continues to win these awards by her excellent GPA and her amazing commitment to learning 7 languages and playing 5 instruments. "School has always been easy for me, It comes natural, being good at everything."

     Bella has previously won 6 student of the month awards. "i always win everything, its easy and i like doing it" says Bella.

    Winning student of the month comes with a lot of expectations , and responsibilities. When asked how she copes with the expectations and stress of winning student of the month she replied " I do not  have any worries or anything that troubles me."

    Bowie high school has over 3,000 students and winning student of the month is undoubtedly a difficult task. Many students shoot to achieve this award and bell has been beating her competition 7 times and plans to win more.

"winning is fun to me, i love beating my competitors and showing them how smart i am" says Bella.

    Math teacher Mr. Brown says "shes got quite the personality and always can make me laugh" Mr brown says he has never seen a student like her and with all much confidence as her.

Bella has not always gotten along with her teachers. " i don't have a favorite teacher because they all annoy me and i am smarter then all them."

"i have already won 7 of these awards and i will continue to win more and more until i go to collage at harvard" says Bella

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