Thursday, April 21, 2016

opinion writing

The Orca show has been a huge part in the enormous success as sea world, dating back to 1983 when the first Orca whales were successfully breed. Orca whales have always been an iconic image of sea world but what many people didn't know or never cared to know was how the beautiful whales were treated. Thanks to animal activist and other groups sea world has agreed to put an end to the cruel keepings of these massive animals.

 Orca whales are on of the largest animals in the world and having them kept inside a pool is a horrible sickening thing. The Whales do not have enough room to swim and enjoy there life to the fullest and do not deserve to be restricted by glass. The trainers also are very abusive to the whales in some cases hook mark scars have been found all over the whales bodies.

Sea world is estimated to loose a huge amount of money by loosing the whale attraction but many say it is far worth it. I would agree with those who think that no amount of money is worth the amount of pain and suffering those animals have to go through.

Although the whale shows are beautiful and are a once in a life time magical show it cons out way the pros. I acknowledge that the whale shows bring lots of money to sea world and the workers and give parents and kids a great thrill of joy but that is no reason to let these animals suffer like that have for years.

Sea worlds Whales have been being breed for over 30 years, Even with Sea world agreeing to stop breeding these whales there are some whales still alive in the enclosures today. The question is then what to we do with the remaining whales.

Sea world argues that the whales are not fit to be released back into the ocean because they will not be ready to survive and fend of predators or know the migration paths. Animal lovers argue that it is the best thing to just return them to the wild as soon as possible.

I believe that Sea world is entitled to keep the remaining whales until they die but if they do they must treat them better and build much bigger tanks for the whales to live out the remainder of their life in peace and comfort.

Whales are not just these huge beast but very beautiful animals who need and deserve a vast area to roam and live out their magical and mysterious lives. They do not belong in tanks and do not deserve to be forced to preform tricks for little kids just to get fed. I hope other Zoos and amusement parks alike will take notes on the actions of Sea worlds and realize we cannot just keep wild animals in small enclosures for our own amusement.

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