Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car raid

Hannah was born on march 1st 1998 in austin Texas. She works at a restaurant called brick oven and has two siblings. Tara is a senior at bowie high school and she plans to attend ACC. She is a very unorganized person who has trouble keeping her priorities right.

Hannah is know by her friends as the messy unorganized person in the group. She does not mind trash and containers being right next to her as she drives. She drivers a Trail blazer which holds a lot of things, including soccer cleats, trash, water bottles, and wrappers. She has no organization or pattern to her car.

She is also a very messy eater as you can tell by the food stains all through out the interior of her car. Eating is a huge part of her life and she seems to have more food in her car then space to sit. Hannah can be described as a "independent women" which she refers too herself as often. When asked why her car was so messy she replied "I am working a job and getting through school cleaning my car is the last of my worries.

"people who clean their cars are weird and car too much about and inanimate object" Hannah seems to show very little feeling for her car outside of its practical use of getting her around.

Her can look as if a blizzard of trash and food swept though leaving a mess. The car has a ton of room in the interior but because of all the cloths and trash seems to be suffocated and small.

The car has soccer ball stickers all over the dash board and smells of Febreeze and other air fresheners that are trying to mask the smell of trash. The floor of the car contains lots of shoes and cloths and resembles the floor of a mess room in a house.

The trunk of the car has a bag of soccer balls and a air pump. The overall feeling you get from the car is nasty and unorganized.

Despite the unorganized mess in Hannah's car her grades and schoolwork do not reflect the same. She Average grades and a very organized school life. "Being organized in school is an essential, but i just don't care that much about my car"

Hannah is buying a new car in August and has promised to not let it get as bad as her current car. Only time will tell the outcome of her new car.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Car raid

1. Who will your do your car raid with (who is your subject)?
I will interview my sister, Marisa 

2. When will you do this car raid?
Friday night after school

3. Write 4-5 questions you can use to start this interview?

What is your name and where are you from?
What school do you go to?
What college are you going to?
what kind of car do you drive?

Why is there cloths all over the cars interior?

Do you consider yourself organized?
What is your favorite thing about your car?
How important is your car to you?
4. What kind of details should your expect to write down to help advance the story line?

Write down everything i see and write a very discriptive 

Merger photo (absent)

Graffiti and found objects (ABSENT)


                                                    FOUND OBJECT: BRIDGE

Monday, May 9, 2016

merger photo intro

1. Is there something you see in the photo above that you think could be a problem when you take your photos? Look carefully.

Shadows could be a problem, if you take to photos at different times.

2. Where do you think would be a great place to take this type of picture here on the Bowie campus?

I think the back of the school would be good because there is less people.

3. Can you think of something creative to actually DO in the photo when you take yours?

Yes i think i am going to do one of me jumping into something .

4. Is there something you could wear that would help you when you do this photo?

You could make sure to wear the same thing in every photo.





1. What is your favorite photo? Either describe it, or figure out a way to post it on your blog.

My favorite photo is the one of the dog sitting in the truck looking out the window in the drivers seat.

2. Does it seem like all of these images could have been taken with a phone?

No some of these photos quality looks way better then what you would expect from an iphone.

3. How much do you think the apps some of the photographers used impacted the image?

I think it had a huge impact because some of these photos are pro level and seem too good for just an iPhone alone.

4. List two tips you think might help your own photography with a phone.

Get really good apps and be creative as possible and not be afraid to take great pictures.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


1. What manipulations to the camera will you need to make to create an HDR image?
There are many manipulations you might have to do, for example you might have to add stops

2. What equipment will we use to take this type of image?
You will need a tripod or any other stability equipment and HDR photo blending software

3. What is the reason someone might take an HDR image?
To get a really clear picture with a lot of details.

4. What can we expect to happen with the images once we merge them together, what will we see that we might not have seen with just one photo?
We will see lots of different aspects and parts from the photos mashed together.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Final exam preview

1.) Summarize what you watched and read about - let's say 2-3 paragraphs of 3-4 sentence

2.) Tell me one thing that you already knew about iMovie that the website explained
3.) Tell me one thing that you learned new today that you didn’t know before.

1.) Summarize what you watched and read about - let's say 2-3 paragraphs of 3-4 sentences
2.) Tell me one thing that you already knew about iMovie that the website explained
3.) Tell me one thing that you learned new today that you didn’t know before.

4.) What are you concerned about with this final project?
5.) What are you confident you can complete early and have ready to use?
6.) If I asked you today, what do you think you will do for your video?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

opinion writing

The Orca show has been a huge part in the enormous success as sea world, dating back to 1983 when the first Orca whales were successfully breed. Orca whales have always been an iconic image of sea world but what many people didn't know or never cared to know was how the beautiful whales were treated. Thanks to animal activist and other groups sea world has agreed to put an end to the cruel keepings of these massive animals.

 Orca whales are on of the largest animals in the world and having them kept inside a pool is a horrible sickening thing. The Whales do not have enough room to swim and enjoy there life to the fullest and do not deserve to be restricted by glass. The trainers also are very abusive to the whales in some cases hook mark scars have been found all over the whales bodies.

Sea world is estimated to loose a huge amount of money by loosing the whale attraction but many say it is far worth it. I would agree with those who think that no amount of money is worth the amount of pain and suffering those animals have to go through.

Although the whale shows are beautiful and are a once in a life time magical show it cons out way the pros. I acknowledge that the whale shows bring lots of money to sea world and the workers and give parents and kids a great thrill of joy but that is no reason to let these animals suffer like that have for years.

Sea worlds Whales have been being breed for over 30 years, Even with Sea world agreeing to stop breeding these whales there are some whales still alive in the enclosures today. The question is then what to we do with the remaining whales.

Sea world argues that the whales are not fit to be released back into the ocean because they will not be ready to survive and fend of predators or know the migration paths. Animal lovers argue that it is the best thing to just return them to the wild as soon as possible.

I believe that Sea world is entitled to keep the remaining whales until they die but if they do they must treat them better and build much bigger tanks for the whales to live out the remainder of their life in peace and comfort.

Whales are not just these huge beast but very beautiful animals who need and deserve a vast area to roam and live out their magical and mysterious lives. They do not belong in tanks and do not deserve to be forced to preform tricks for little kids just to get fed. I hope other Zoos and amusement parks alike will take notes on the actions of Sea worlds and realize we cannot just keep wild animals in small enclosures for our own amusement.

Action shoot

Running at you:

Running across:



Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Opinions writing part 2


1. Fuaad Ajaz
2. Beyonce's song and all the controversy it caused.
3. He thinks every artist is in titled to their own opinion and not judge.
4. He did mention what the other side thought and how they were offended by it.
5. No, he was very firm on his opinion of beyonce being in the right.
6. Yes
7. Third Person

AP world history test 

1. Mia Barbosa
2. The AP world history test and how students can benefit from it.
3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."
4. Yes
5. No, she seemed very neutral and providing very good information on both sides of the argument.
6. No
7. First Person

back at it

1. Alicia Molina
2. It is about Damn Daniel's story and how he got really famous and did something good with his fame.
3. Alicia thinks the dam Daniel video is annoying at first but learns to like it a little because she finds out what the two boys did with their fame.
"I thought the video was funny but after awhile it starting to get annoying."
4. Yes, she not only saw the side of the people who thought it was annoying but also the people who liked it.
5. yes she seemed open minded about changing her mind about thinking the video was annoying.
6. She quoted a tweet from Daniel.
7. First Person

Drug dogs
1. Granger Coats
2. The police invading the privacy of students.
3. "An institution intended to enrich and better the lives of students should never detract from that role when punishing students, especially with the use of police as school disciplinarians."
4. Yes, he addressed the fact that students need to kept safe.
5. No, he never went back on his opinion and kept his opinion through the paper.
6. He quoted from the school handbook
7. First Person

FBI vs. Apple

1. Editorial
2. Apple and the FBI arguing about the security of phones.
3. "Although the phone could yield valuable information, we believe that the FBI is asking Apple for too much at the risk of all other iPhone owners."
4. Yes
5. yes the writer realizes that its important to keep privacy of phones but also find out info.
6. There was indirect quotation of a federal judge.
7. Third Person

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

peer review SOM

Paragraphs - 35 pts
5 quotes - 25 pts
Inverted pyramid - 20 pts
Extra Credit? - 5 points
TOTAL = 85

Paragraphs - 50 pts
5 quotes - 25 pts
Inverted pyramid - 15 pts
Extra Credit? - 5 points
TOTAL = 95

Paragraphs - 50 pts
5 quotes - 25 pts
Inverted pyramid - 15 pts
Extra Credit? - points
TOTAL = 85

Monday, April 11, 2016

News values


California making pot smell more like big business

This article is timeliness because it is a article over a current event that happened a couple days ago. It is a very new article with the newest facts. 


This article is timeliness because it is close to me where the events take place. The abortions are being affected in Texas, where i live so it would make this article Proximity. I am also writing this in Texas which is where these events are happening.


This article has a prominence value because Donald Trump is very famous and the article involves him. This is very news worthy and worth knowing for Americans. 


This article that has an impact value because it has an impact on the readers feelings. The article makes the reader feel sad and leaves a emotional impact.


fight against isis
This article has a conflict value between the united states of america and the terrorist group Isis.The argument and conflict between the two sides is a perfect example.

Human interest-


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Nut graf

    The nut graf is the paragraph in a story that is the "nutshell" and captures the essence of the story. It tells the reader why they should be reading the story while at the same time summarizes what the story is all about.
    It also tells the reader all the important information then need to know. Many writers argue it is the most important part of a story. It provides a transition from the lead and provides information to the reader as to why the story is timely.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Student of the month

WHO:  Bella Edward's

WHAT: Won her 7th student of the month award.

WHEN: The month of April 2016

WHERE: Bowie high school

HOW: She worked very hard and her natural intelligence.

WHY: Because she wanted to win her 7th award.

    On April 2nd, Bella L. won her 7th Student of the Month award; the most ever won by a student at Bowie high high school.

    Bella isn't known as the hardest working student, but according to her its her natural intellect that keeps her amazing  her peers and teachers. She continues to win these awards by her excellent GPA and her amazing commitment to learning 7 languages and playing 5 instruments. "School has always been easy for me, It comes natural, being good at everything."

     Bella has previously won 6 student of the month awards. "i always win everything, its easy and i like doing it" says Bella.

    Winning student of the month comes with a lot of expectations , and responsibilities. When asked how she copes with the expectations and stress of winning student of the month she replied " I do not  have any worries or anything that troubles me."

    Bowie high school has over 3,000 students and winning student of the month is undoubtedly a difficult task. Many students shoot to achieve this award and bell has been beating her competition 7 times and plans to win more.

"winning is fun to me, i love beating my competitors and showing them how smart i am" says Bella.

    Math teacher Mr. Brown says "shes got quite the personality and always can make me laugh" Mr brown says he has never seen a student like her and with all much confidence as her.

Bella has not always gotten along with her teachers. " i don't have a favorite teacher because they all annoy me and i am smarter then all them."

"i have already won 7 of these awards and i will continue to win more and more until i go to collage at harvard" says Bella

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

School uniforms

(1) I could interview the principal of my school, or one of the teacher that i have. Another source i could use is i could interview some of the board members,

1. What is the reason for using school uniforms?
2. What all do you know about the uniforms?
3, Do you agree with the change?
4. If you were a student would you still agree?
5. Did you have uniforms growing up as a kid?
6. Who do you think suggested this idea?
7. How do you think the students will react?
8. Is it fair to make this happen and the students have no say?
9. What would the uniforms look like?
10. When will this be enforced?
11. Will there be punishment for those who refuse?
12. If you were a student how would you feel?
13. Why do you think we need uniforms if so?
14. Are uniforms taking away some of the student rights?
15. Do uniforms take away creativity and personality?
16. How does the district intend on enforcing the new law?
17. Why do you think they decided to give us uniforms?
18. If you could would you change this new rule?
19. Do you think the students will benefit from this new rule?
20. How will the new uniforms look?

Inverted pyramid

Friday, April 1, 2016

Learning How to Interview part 1

assignment 1:

(1) I could interview the principal of my school, or one of the teacher that i have. Another source i could use is i could interview some of the board members,

1. What is the reason for using school uniforms?
2. What all do you know about the uniforms?
3, Do you agree with the change?
4. If you were a student would you still agree?
5. Did you have uniforms growing up as a kid?
6. Who do you think suggested this idea?
7. How do you think the students will react?
8. Is it fair to make this happen and the students have no say?
9. What would the uniforms look like?
10. When will this be enforced?
11. Will there be punishment for those who refuse?
12. If you were a student how would you feel?
13. Why do you think we need uniforms if so?
14. Are uniforms taking away some of the student rights?
15. Do uniforms take away creativity and personality?
16. How does the district intend on enforcing the new law?
17. Why do you think they decided to give us uniforms?
18. If you could would you change this new rule?
19. Do you think the students will benefit from this new rule?
20. How will the new uniforms look?

assignment 2:

1. What are the most important things in your life?
Myself and my grades
2. What is your strongest and weakest subject?
Im strong at everything
3. Have you always been good at school?
I have always been the smartest every single year in school
4. As student of the month do you feel any pressure or expectations?
I don't feel any pressure because its just another trophy on my shelf and win awards all the time
5. Are you stressed out with school?
No I'm so smart I don't even try that hard.
6. how do you coupe with stress?
I take a lot of bubble bath.
7. Do you have a balanced life outside of school?
Yes between my learning of 7 languages and my playing of 8 instruments.
8. What other activities do you like outside of school?
I rowing and run marathons and shoot ducks.
9. If you could give another student one tip for school what would it be and why?
Don't try to win if you're not smart like me.
10. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
In a huge mansion with all my money and my husband.
11. Do you have a favorite teacher?
No I'm smarter then all of them and they annoy me.
12. What are the pros and if any, the cons of being student of the month?
Pro is that everyone knows how smart i am and the con is i have a lot of haters
13. Is this you first time becoming student of the month?
No i have actually won this award 7 times and its really easy for me.
14. Do you have any pets?
I have a pet iguana who i love
15. How is life at home?
Its great because my daddy buys me anything i want.
16. Do you have any friends that help you get through high school?
17. What is one of the reason you have been so successful?
Because I am so smart and school is easy for me.
18. What message do you have for other high school students?
Just don't try because you will never be as smart as me.
19. Do you plan on going to college if so where ?
Yes i want to go to Harvard and graduate top of my class early.
20. Do you have any regrets about school or your life?

Monday, March 28, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016


  1. Andre Waterkeyn
  2. 1956-1958
  3. Bruxelles, Belgium
  4.  You can visit
  5.  No
  6. This structure was built for the Brussels World Fair 
  7.  I chose this because it is very unique and has a on of a kind feel to it and there's is probably no building on the planet like it. I also really like the symmetry that is it has and the shiny paint that is on it. Overall just a really cool building.

Image result for Sculptured House, USA
  1.  Charles Deaton
  2. 1963
  3. Jefferson county, Colorado, US
  4.  Private it is a house
  5. No
  6.  The architect wanted a building high so he could connect with nature.
  7. I picked this building because the cool shape that the roof and the balcony make is a really weird and awesome the idea that looks good and works well. I also really like the windows and the base of the structure.
  1. The architects are Szotynscy and Zaleski.
  2.  built in 2004.
  3. Sopot, Poland.
  4.  public building.
  5. does not say
  6. The building was inspired by fairy tales and drawings.
  7. I chose this building because it looks crazy, something out of a fairytale which is what they were going for. Also it looks cool because it is squished looking and  looks just different to the buildings we are used to seeing.
  1. Gaudí 
  2.  1905–10 
  3.  Barcelona Spain
  4.  it is a museum so yes
  5. no
  6.  Pere Milà wife roser gaurdiola was very rich and they built this as a house.
  7. I picked this building because Spain is my favourite place in the world and when i grow up i want to live in Spain. Also it looked massive in the photo so i was very curious about it.

1. Frank Gehry
2. 1997
3. Bilbao, Spain
4. You can visit
5. $89 million dollars
6.  museum of modern art.
7. I picked this building becasue it looked very pretty and drew my attetnion to it. It looks very futuristic and like something ffrom not our time. Also i liked how they built it on the water which as far as looks go was a great choice becuasde it looks really good.

sensory overload

1. I think the statement is very powerful and that it has a good message the writer is trying to get across. I agree with the statement and  as a photographer it makes me inspired to take better photos.

2. Yes i want to visit it is very appealing to the eye and seems like if i brought my camera i would get some great shots.

3. I think that it would be really cool be a child of a worked at one of these places because they could visit their parents and get to look around the stores and explore.

4.  My favourite photo was the one of the flower store because I love all the different colours and different flowers in the photo.

Friday, March 4, 2016

sports photography

1. It is a part of winning because it is tradition to dump gatorade/water on the head coach after winning a very hard or important game.

2. The shudder speed is how fast the lens opens to let in light, it can be used to "freeze" time.

3. This is a key moment and this is defiantly not planned because no one can know for sure if they are going to win and no photographer is waiting near the coach the whole game for this shot.

4. The use of shudder speed and good ISO use are evident in this photo

Friday, February 19, 2016

Lonestar dispatch issue 4

Front Page story:
What? Coach vickie is taking his student leaders class to a parade.
Where? Courtyard and then around the whole campus
When? March 10
Why? For the "no place or hate" campaign 
How? During fit he will take them.
Who was quoted in the story? Aleka neptune
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "this event could be really neat if bowie students embrace it"
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? yes 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? " i really love a challenge and this project definitely has its challenges."

Student Life
What? Byanan Johnson trying to balance school and her two jobs.
Where? Bowie high school 
When? 2016
Why? So they has enough time for friends and family while still making money
How? Organizing and spending your time wisely
Who was quoted in the story? bryana 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? " working gives you a new sense of independence"
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? yes
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?"she isn't lazy and her possesions doesn't define her happiness"
what? Freshman Katelyn wins the grand champion award at the science fair and bowie students judge elementary science fait projects.
where? Bowie High school 
when? January 14
why? She did very good on her science fair project
how? The judges gave her a good score.
Who said quote? Newton
quote strong?"
Lead sentence good?
What? Ray being a all american nominee
Where?Bowie high school 
When? Jan 6. 2016
Why? She is a dominant basketball player and a committed academic student. 
How? Her hard work and her natural talent
Who was quoted in the story?
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
Who said quote?
quote strong?
Lead sentence good? Commentary
What? Students (seniors) are complaining at the new parking policy and the reserved spots rule, and other new incentives 
Where? Bowie high school 
When? spring of 2016-2017
Why? They believe they are unfair because they won't take advantage of these incentives 
How? "bowie is too large of a school for this to work"
Who was quoted in the story? no names of people form quotes
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "territory"
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? no not really
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? That this "incentives" should not be around in the future of this school