Tuesday, December 8, 2015


1. They changed her face by removing her freckles and moving her eyes far apart and shaded her eyes. they changed her noise and lips, to look more full.

2. They made her body more tan and also gave her smaller thighs as well as a bigger cake. They made her feet really big and made her legs longer.

3. They made a ton of changes the removed her hump back and made her legs slimmer and gave her better cake. They made breast rounder and smoothed her body. They made her hair longer and gave it a different color.

4. I think its okay ONLY if you do very minor things but if you start to edit people to look like perfect , unobtainable beauty then that to acceptable because it makes other people look so bad. People should be able to recognize themselves in the pictures.

5. Yes in some situations it is even more ethically messed up to alter pictures then other specially when it comes to modeling.

6. Changing someones skin tone slightly is okay. But When you  change the length of the legs and arm and the structure of their face thats overboard

7. Fashion photography is more fake and altered pictures. While journalism is more legit and guenien beautiful pictures.

8. Fashion photography affects reality by setting fake impossible standards for women to try to achieve. It also makes people feel "ugly" or less beautiful

9. I think you showed us the videos to show us the difference between Fashion Photography and Journalism Photography and how one is completely ethically wrong and fake.

10. There is no video of men because men don't have these ridiculous standards for beauty and don't have to be fake about the way they look and are accepted for their natural look.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Mt favorite cover


I choose this portrait as my favorite because i think its very awesome how the photographer was able to capture this portrait of this mom and son while the background was on fire burring and look like destruction. The cover does a really good job at arousing your curiosity as i was imminently asking myself a ton of question about this photo when i saw it. It is also appealing to the eye and with the fire it really draws your eye to it. The picture to only leads you and hooks you to want to learn about it but it also tells a story a little too. The photo however appears a little out of focus on the women and child. The dark lighting really gives you, the reader a sense of darkness and destruction as this fire engulfs the sounding area. The picture is also kind of framed by the fire and it looks like the women and child is in the center of the fire.

Best covers

13.formal environmental

Magazine tips

Magazine tips
1. You want to arouse the readers curiosity
2.Fast, simple easy to read
3."worth the investment" make something in it for the reader
4."emotionally irresistible"
5.Familar to the brand

Monday, November 30, 2015

Love and Loss

1. My emotions changed dramatically from happy and joyful to sad and depressed because of the sudden change in the mode of the pictures and the actual pictures themselves.

2. What he meant by it was that these photos are theme literally but the photos don't define their character and there life and there thoughts. They pictures are them, but not of there thoughts and emotions and who they are.

3. I would absolutely not be able to shoot if my wife had cancer i would just be torn apart and I'm very impressed that he was strong enough to take pictures of her while she was like that.

4.I would say Dear Angelo i am so sorry for your loss and for everything you have been though. I would like to just say its amazing that even with what you and her were going thorough u stuck with your idea and contained to take pictures and made a beautiful thing with them. I wish nothing but the best for you.

American Soldier

A. The most powerful picture is the last where Ian is hugging his girlfriend after returning home. This picture is very powerful and emotional because you can really sense the love and happiness they are feeling when they reunited after returning from war.

B.    Set 1-at home   #1-#3
        Set 2-Basic training #4-13
        Set 3-in Iraq   #14-#27
        #28 he is returning home in denver

C. Set 2 is the most powerful because you can see all the change that Ian is going through and how intense and scary the training is. This set of images is really the base of the whole project because you can see exactly what he had to go through just to be able to go fight for his country.

D. The images work together to show a story by showing the change and the things Ian is going through. From when he shaves his head to when he is just learning to hold and riffle and to when he is in all out march. You can see how it changes him and makes him a different person.

E. Most of the verbs are present tense as if he's doing it now, like a story.

F. The captions give background knowledge and help you understand the pictures better.

G.Ian was a high school graduate who gave up baseball and seeing his family to join the army. He said his goodbyes and arrived at camp. He went through basic training and almost got denied because of a bum elbow. He got the chance to come home for a weekend to see his girlfriend and family. After  fighting in iraq Ian finally comes home a changed different man.

Prompt shoot 2




Monday, November 2, 2015

abandoned theme parks part two

5. I think documenting a abandoned school would not just be fun but really spooky and dark. There is nothing more creepy then old abandoned desk and chalk boards. there are so many options and possibilities with the cafeteria and the gym. Their could be some really nice pictures in the library too. Overall i think one of the best reasons for this place is the amount of picture ideas you have.

6. All you would need is a camera and maybe some lighting stands to light the place up. As for as expenses and travelling goes its probably fairly cheap if you have an old school nearby. Also you would not be breaking any laws if it says Ur allowed to go into it, but if there is a private property sign you might have to risk getting in trouble to get the good shot.

Abandoned theme parks part one

1. The prehistoric forest, Irish hills , Michigan look like a great place to sneak into and take some amazing photos. The park has a huge  man made volcano that would be pretty cool to take pictures of, as well as all the fake dinosaurs at the park. Imagine all the awesome dinos that are just waiting to be photographed there. In addition to the already awesome dinos they would be aged and kinda dirty which would add the effect of oldness to them.

3. Five unusual places to take photographs are cemeteries, malls, forest at night/dusk, abandoned schools, abandoned construction sites, and war zones.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


1. This is a really cool and interesting article to me because the not just the photos are great but the photographer is a really cool guy. All the answers he had to the questions were really intelligent and he seemed to have a good understanding of life. As weird as it may seem i could tell he is a really nice, cool guy. It was really interesting just how much time he put into his photos. You can really tell they mean a lot to him otherwise he wouldn't take so much time to perfect them.


3. It's a dead swan in water with a mountain in the background, i love this picture because it looks beautiful and appealing while at the same time nasty , dirty and is a decaying body.

4. It follows rules of third because the swan is slightly to the bottom right. It could be simplicity in the background because its all clear except of the mountain.

5. He docent use a telephoto lens because he wants to add as much sky and landscape in the background to add to the beauty. Getting closer to the animal is better if you want to capture its personality he says.

6. He wants to show the animals in their simple state of being before they cease to exist. He thinks the are incredibly interesting and beautiful animals but they won't be here forever.

7.To show people the beauty of these animals so they will stop being poached and sold.

8. "my images are unseeingly idyllic and romantic, a kind of enchanted Africa. they're  my elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically vanishing."

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Funny captions

Two women in there 70s kick it back with a fat cigar while mean mugging people who walk by. The two women were later seen robbing a elven year old boy.

 A man is caught starring at a women's impressive cleavage through is glasses at a local hooters in Austin Texas. This man has had previous incidents with not minding his eyes.

A drunk grandma is wearing a hat offering knitting for sex while posing with 2 other men who are fat and sweaty. Later that night she knitted 23 fabrics...

Monday, October 19, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers III

1. The First thing that caught my eye when i was viewing his photos was the dark and sadness that he's photographs have. It made me uneasy but a the same time interesting me and made me want to select them.

I see Suffering and hardship

I smell blood and metal

I hear screams and explosions

I taste water and dirt

I feel Tired and scared

3. If i were showing my photographer to the world i would use a power point. It would be the perfect thing to use because i could paste one of his photos and then in the next slide describe the feelings and emotions it gives you . Also it would allow me to put as much info on as i wanted.

Mural project

1.  I think a good theme for the mural would be nature. Just think about it a mural of flowers all from around the campus  would be beautiful. Another idea i have is to have a mural of sunsets.

2.I think we should allow all cameras not just ones taken from a phone because it will add to the diversity of the mural.

3. I think we should hang them around the windows in the lunch hall and on the windows in the doors  to go into to academic building.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Peer evaluation


Two positives things about the photos are i loved the photo with the choir singing and the teacher playing the piano it looks really nice. Another thing i thought she did well was use the rules of photography.

One thing that can be improved is not merge as often in her photos and try to avoid it as much as possible.

Academic Shoot reflection and critique

1. Some challenges i faced were finding subjects to actually capture, there was a pep rally and almost all the classes were empty and to make things worse every class i would walk up to another student would be just leaving so i keep getting beat to find classes. I got creative and started looking in the halls for students working and that how i got my photos.

2. If i could redo this assignment i would defiantly try to involve some more rules like simplicity and lines because i had a couple pictures that would have been a lot better if i used rule of thirds, i didn't post them.

3. I definitely think of photo composition a lot more then then first week of school. I always try my best to make sure i don't have a merger photograph and make sure i have nice view point. For example these girls were sitting down and i stood on a chair to get a top view and it looked really nice even though i didn't post it i really liked it.

4. I would defiantly go to the same places i did, which was the hall ways. I found a lot of people sitting by themselves and working hard. It added to the affect of hard school work because there was no one around with so it was just one person and added dramatic affect.

5. I think the easiest rule to achieve is rule of thirds because its not hard to move your camera angle to position them on the corners of the picture.

6. For me i think its very hard to have a simple background because in a classroom there is so much join on its hard to find a empty simple background to your subject, so simplicity is the hardest for me.

7. I think i understand all the rules pretty well.

Academic photo shoot photo three

1. I used balance and simplicity by having a simple background and having the table look symmetrical.

2. The subject is the girl sitting on the table drawing her picture.

3. The subject is clear because i used simplicity so there is really only one thing to focus on.

4. The subject is clear.

Academic photo Shoot Photo two

1. I used lines in the photo with the book shelfs in the background, they are parallel lines and i think they look really good.

2. The subject is the boy with the pencil in his hand doing his work in the library.

3. The subject is very clear because he takes up half the photo himself and is the only significant thing in the photo.

4. The subject is clear.

Academic photo shoot photo one

1. In this picture i followed the Balance rule and the rule of thirds by having my target off to the left. There is good balance and symmetry from the tables and pillars.

2. The subject in my picture is the kid on his laptop studying.

3. Yes it is very clear that my subject is the kid because he is the only living thing in the picture and it is focused on him.

4. The subject is clear.


ISO 200

ISO 3200

1. It increases the light sensitivity so you can see better at night and will help you "freeze time" in the action pictures
2.Low IOS will have the highest quality pictures.
3. High IOS will decrease the quality.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Shudder speed


Slow shudder speed                                                                         High shudder speed

1. For the Example one would use a high shudder speed without flash to capture some action shots of them jumping and dancing.

2.For example two i would also use a high shudder speed because the dancing would probably be pretty fast movement. With flash because the sunlight wouldn't be good.




1. The part of the body that is relates to is the pupil.
2. Smaller the aperture the larger the "f stop" and the larger the aperture the Smaller the "f stop"
    3.The aperture affects the depth of field by the larger the F number the whole picture, including the background will be clear. With a smaller F number the background will get blurry and the focus will be on one thing.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Favorite picture

In the picture with the girl and the paint bouncing in the air off the speaker, one rule of photography is balance i think. The picture (besides the paint bottle cap) is symmetrical and balanced really nicely this is why it is my favorite. Also i think the picture itself is a awesome picture.

Filling the Frame

I choose the picture for filling the frame because i love all the people and the background and the amount of stuff in the photo. Theres the people themselves and then the thing in the center between all of them.

Action and Emotion

The action in this photograph is the bubbles flying in the air and falling. I get the emotion of surprise and excitement form the girls and from the bubbles i get action and speed.

The Story

I choose this picture for the best story because i can tell just by looking at the picture that they get along really well with this teacher. I get a story of good times and laughter with this photo. I can tell they joke a lot and have a lot of fun in that class and all get along. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

least unethical

I think this photoshop is the least unethical because they made no major changes to the photograph they didn't manipulate it to seem like something else. All they did was photoshop the pole that was sticking out of the back of her head. This is a great picture that was captured in the moment so the photographer didn't have time to follow the 6 rules of photography. 

Most unethical

This photoshop is the most unethical in my opinion because whoever photoshoped this must be the biggest piece of trash, it is so messed up to condemning  the army. in this picture they didn't just do a sleight change they made the soldier who had his hand out trying to calm the people look like he is holding his gun aiming at the civilians. They also added a tank in the back to make it look even worse.

Ethics in the age of digital manipulation

Summary: Today there are so many photoshops and some are very important and other not so much. Some photoshops need to be done or should be , while others such as the picture where they crop out the women with men are absolutely unacceptable. Some photographers even loose their jobs for photoshopping pictures.

Opinion: I believe that certain photo shopping is not only okay but can be needed because it can enhance a photo and make it better but at the same time it can be totally unacceptable. For example When the two women were photoshoped out of the picture of the political leaders in Iran , that was horrible. So what I'm getting at is i think it can be both good and bad.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 2

   Willam Smith was born in Wichita Kansas in December 1918. He went to Wichita North High school and graduated in 1936. Soon after he took a job for two local newspapers. Later he eventually moved to new york to work for Newsweek. He was fired because he refused to use a medium format camera then he started working for life magazine in 1939. While Working for life he was in the front lines of the pacific war photographing the island hopping offense against japan. He photographed a lot of prisoners of war and showed intensity of the war. He was hit by motor fire and after recovering he continued  working with life magazine. In the 1950s he went to England to photograph general election and in 1965 he began to photograph he took photographers and recording jazz musicians playing a Manhattan loft. Smith was in japan photographing the effects on the minamata disease and he was attacked by chisso company employees and lost vision in one eye and had to stop working for a year. He died in 1978 october 15 form a stroke, and was cremated and buried in crum elbow rural cemetery.

Post shoot reflection on another student


two things i liked form this students pictures are how he followed the 6 rules you taught us pretty well and i liked his picture of the flower i think it was beautiful and exotic picture.

One thing i think he could improve is his backgrounds in his pictures because they kinda busy and they distract from the main picture a little.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

post shoot reflection

1. Some challenges I faced on this assignment are finding the right picture that I want while still trying to follow the rules. I also had some trouble managing my time and I felt really rushed so I didn't really do the highest quality of pictures.

2. When i take pictures I find myself always thinking about the focus and the background of the main target, for example if i was the take a picture of a flower the things running through my head are focusing on the flower itself and having either a clear blue background or have the other flowers in the background.

3. One thing i would definitely do different is use the rule of thirds more because at least two of my pictures main focus are smack in the middle on the picture and it looks kinda bad. I would also use balance a little better.

4. If I'm being honest i don't think i would do anything the same the pictures i took were nothing special and i know i can do better. I don't like the lack of creativity i had or the pictures themselves.

5. I achieved rule of thirds in the happy picture by putting the main subject slightly to the right. I also had lines on my metal picture in the background with the wall of bricks.

6. No i didn't really like these prompts i felt like they were boring and i didn't really have any great ideas on what to shoot. I want some new different prompts so i can try to do a better job. The prompts   we're hard to find at the school in my opinion.

square (prompt shoot)

Lunch detention is square!
No composition rules

Bowie (Prompt shoot)

No composition rules

merging (prompt shoot)

I cut the back of the drummer on the left

metal (prompt shoot)

Lines in the background with the bricks

Happy (prompt shoot)

Schools out!
Rule of thirds

Friday, September 11, 2015

merging (updated)

This is merging because in the right side of the picture this guys head is getting cut off and all you can see is his body.

framing (updated)

 This is framing because their is a sharp ridged hole in the wall then inside is a fire fighter climbing a later, this framing has a great effect because it shows the destruction there was and then it focuses on the firefighter.

Balance (updated)

This is balance because the fire fighters and the flag pole and the debris in the background all make shapes and balance each other and gives the picture nice detail.

Rule of thirds (updated)

This is rule of thirds because the main focus (the firefighter crying) is on centered to the left. The effect is that you can see all the other fire fighters in the back and the debris.